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Appleclear"If you bring the ball they have to let you play"
Appleclear"Teachers who have the most to say, listen."
WT Melonclear

Appleclear"I never trust a kid who looks me square in the belly."
Appleclear"All good teachers have one thing in common…lots of coffee mugs."
Appleclear"The playground is for playing; the hallway is for hauling."
Appleclear"Few things are more beautiful than watching a great teacher in action."
Appleclear"Home is where the battle lies."
Appleclear"A sign of a good conversation is how many things you Google afterward."
Appleclear"When life moves too fast just shout Spud!"
Appleclear"Remember to never kick the red balls."

Appleclear"Remember what it's all about.. doing the Hokey-Pokey."

Appleclear"Always be one of the good guys."
Appleclear"You can't give bunny ears to a bunny."
Appleclear"Think of this as the best year of your life."
Appleclear"If everyone wore a tutu on a Tuesday we could call it Tutu Tuesday."
Appleclear"One should always be planning for a trip."
Appleclear"Teaching is the beautiful profession."
Appleclear"Nothing gives a teacher more pleasure than the great OIC moment of a student."
Appleclear"Believe in in Santa Claus. If you're wrong, what do you have to lose?"
Appleclear"Wake up and smell the crayons"
Appleclear"Before people wrote books no one learned to read."
Appleclear"No one becomes a writer who wasn't first a reader ."
Appleclear"Only a child can draw like a child."
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Quotes about home from MVP: Magellan Voyage Project
Appleclear“Home is where the battle lies.”
AppleclearHome is where you can call the bed your own.”
Appleclear“Home is the place that makes you homesick.”
Appleclear“Home is where you know what to do and how to do it.”
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Quote from the Elevator Family
Appleclear"Home Sweat Home"
Appleclear"It has its ups and downs"
Appleclear"Only the best!"
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