The Elevator Family Sets Sail
Book 9: The Elevator Family Sets Sail - Ahoy! What joy! Oh, boy! Nothing suits the tight-knit Wilson family better than life on a small sailboat with its tiny berths, snug main cabin, and little galley.
So, why not set sail on a six-month cruise to explore the tiny islands of the South Pacific? Buy
Elevator Family Sets Sail
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What Calls to Me
Songs from The Elevator Family Sets Sail





My Stuff

Rhyming Dictionary
One of the first books I ever asked for. I was in fifth grade, and I still use it today. I was thrilled when I read Stephen Sondheim also used Clement Wood.
Meet the Elevator Family
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Classroom at the End of the Hall
If I finally get it,
When I figure it out,
“Oh, I see,” I could cry,
Instead Oic I shout.
Bedbug Music

1. Bedbugs
2. Sandman
3. Tooth Fairy
4. Night Mare
5. Nice Dream Man
6. Bogeyman
7. Jack Frost and the Stork
8. Up and At'em
9. Bedbugs redux
🎹Bedtime Carnival (video)
Bedtime Carnival MP3
Children's Line

A line march for children done to an original march tune. While the children march slowly in unison starting with the right foot forward, they display a series of four hand gestures, four beats each, depicting four times of the day--Morning, Afternoon, Evening, and Nighttime.
Nod to Pina Bausch's The Nelken Line.
I enjoy reading funny poems,
From Ogden Nash to Roald Dahl,
But of the poets that I read,
Anonymous is best of all.
Each time I read a funny poem,
With Anonymous below it,
I wonder why she’s still unknown.
Who is this wonderful poet?
Noe School
A financial crisis! Cut costs! With dough running low and programs costing too much at his school, Principal Ouia insists that his staff and pupils must stop using that most popular non-consonant that follows d and is prior to f. That common writing symbol was also cut from this book!
Lipogram (from Ancient Greek: λειπογράμματος, "leaving out a letter") a kind of writing in which a particular letter or group of letters is avoided—usually a common vowel, and frequently "E", the most common letter.
Classroom Creature Trio of Books

“Parents say the classroom is haunted,” Mr. Leeks, the custodian at Walter T. Melon Elementary, told us on the first day of school.
He leaned on his mop handle as if it were a crutch. He raised a bushy gray eyebrow and squinted an eye. His whiskers rasped like sand- paper as he stroked his narrow chin.
“Sometimes in the evening when I’m mopping the hallway, I hear sounds myself coming from that room—that room at the end of the hall,” he said. “Gives me the willies, it does.”
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